
的 difference between 十大正规彩票平台’s approach and that of other schools boils down to 十大正规彩票平台的 focus on the individual. 这种关注延伸到正规的玩彩平台的学术, co-curricular and technology program and is a direct reflection of our school’s 弗朗西斯can character. 十大正规彩票平台的大小, 一个有550名学生的社区, lends itself to providing the young men in our care with all of the opportunities of a much larger school while maintaining a community where every student is valued and known by name.


十大正规彩票平台 is the only all-male 弗朗西斯can high school in the city of 巴尔的摩 and the state of 马里兰. 这意味着正规的玩彩平台是由圣. 亚西西的弗朗西斯. 众所周知,他为穷人服务,热爱大自然. 弗朗西斯 tried to make real the experience of Jesus Christ in the lives of those he met. 的 弗朗西斯can Friars who minister at Curley and the men and women with whom they work all strive to instill the spirit of St. 弗朗西斯.


十大正规彩票平台 seeks a young man who is achieving to his academic potential, 有兴趣参加正规的玩彩平台的课外活动吗, has a deep respect for the rich tradition of 大主教柯利高中, is dedicated to contributing positively to the culture of the “Curley Family” and strives to become a great man.


2022-23学年的学费为17080美元. Each family has the opportunity to apply for financial aid and Curley works hard to provide aid to families in need. 仅去年一年,正规的玩彩平台就分发了100多万美元的援助. Families applying for financial aid must complete the Application for 金融援助 through FACTS. All students who apply to Curley are eligible for all merit based academic scholarships, 捐赠奖学金, 将军授予, 体育奖学金和器乐奖学金.

What does the typical academic schedule look like for a freshman student?

的 typical freshman schedule consists of six full credit and two half credit courses. 大一新生的核心课程包括神学课程, 英语, 社会研究, 外语, 数学与科学. 柯利的教学周期为6天,轮流上课. 新生在为期六天的学习周期中有两次自习时间.




大主教柯利的特色是1:1的iPad程序, through which students are utilizing cutting-edge technology in each of their academic courses on a daily basis. 由于对技术的重视, we have been able to reduce the number of text books and lower the cost associated with purchasing texts for the year. Students are able to access a multitude of resources in the classroom and at home allowing them to engage the course material in new and exciting ways. Our lessons are designed to incorporate these varied elements and as teachers we are able to provide a more dynamic learning experience.


柯利的哲学是 21st 世纪主动学习 recognizes that instruction must be student-centered, for the days of lecturing are past. 今天的教育是协作的, 学生们学习一起完成项目, 寻找答案, 寻求可行的解决方案. 全国各地的著名大学都采用主动学习. Curley continues with the traditional goal of wanting its students to find success and happiness, 同时也要做好终身学习者的准备, 对社会共同利益做出真正贡献的人. 作为一个 1-1 iPad学校 柯利的学生掌握了全世界的知识, and with others learns how to effectively access knowledge and use it responsibly.

此外,柯利教育是在 方济会的传统这一传统始于13岁的大学th 世纪的欧洲. 的 goals of a 弗朗西斯can education are three-fold: to convey information, as a basis of all learning; to offer formation, for the best-lived life of each individual; and to encourage transformation, 一个人在与他的上帝的关系中的精神成长.

十大正规彩票平台提供 3个大学预科途径.

荣誉学院预科课程 are designed to challenge the highly talented and motivated student to pursue the AP and Honors courses, 双招生课程, and the availability of personalized attention to develop his gifts and know how to use them. 对于一群精英学生来说 St. 博纳旺蒂尔学者 are challenged beyond the standard honors criteria to engage in their personal academic group leading to a Capstone Project. 贯穿四年的特别课程提供了广度, 一个挑战, 他们的学习远远超出了课堂.

十大正规彩票平台的 普通大学预科课程 focuses on the 21st Century skills needed for success in the modern world. A student’s placement is evaluated on a regular basis by the faculty to ensure a challenging and appropriate curriculum. 除了为学生上大学做准备, 大学咨询项目与学生和家长一起工作, 从大一开始, 为每个年轻人找到最好的大学, 让那个年轻人实现他的目标.

安东尼大学预科课程 is a multifaceted college preparatory program intentionally designed for young men of diverse backgrounds who are in need of adaptive learning practices due to academic challenges, 诊断出的学习差异, 或者社会经济挑战.


A Friar For A Day visit is the best way to experience al that Curley has to offer. Schedule a Friar For A Day visit by creating an account and registering for a convenient time using our interactive calendar.



十大正规彩票平台 accepts transfer students for matriculation in its sophomore and junior classes. Curley will accept senior transfers only in special circumstances and will review these applications on an individual basis. It is expected that transfer students will begin their tenure at Curley at the beginning of the school year, but the school will in some cases allow students to transfer at the end of the first quarter or at mid-year.


柯利的学生着装要求包括连衣裙或卡其裤, 纯色的礼服衬衫, 礼服鞋, 领带、领结. 从10月到4月都需要穿运动外套.


十大正规彩票平台 features two full-time college counselors and provides comprehensive college counseling services to all students. 平均, 98%的毕业生继续上大学, 去年,2022届毕业生的收入增加了14美元.3 million in merit scholarships from 132 four-year colleges and universities in 12 states. In recent years Curley graduates have been accepted into some of the nation’s finest universities including Brown, 克莱姆森, 亚利桑那州立大学, 西点军校, 哥伦比亚, 巴黎圣母院, 威克森林, 弗吉尼亚理工大学, 马里兰, 豪斯, 维吉尼亚州, 霍华德, 约翰霍普金斯大学和许多其他大学. 柯利人毕业后会有很多机会.


十大正规彩票平台 offers a comprehensive athletics program featuring 28 teams in 14 sports, 一个获奖的美术节目和众多的俱乐部, 校内的运动, 还有学生组织. Students are encouraged to participate in multiple co-curricular activities and involve themselves in school life.

Does Curley offer the opportunity for students to take Advanced Placement courses?

十大正规彩票平台 offers 15 Advanced Placement (AP) and college level courses. In 2022, Curley students earned 297 college credits through AP and Dual Enrollment Offerings.